Portrait From Ref Pic Course


A fun-filled and therapeutic visual art course for professionals, hobbyist, business executives, housewives and kids, who want to learn drawing portrait, using a reference picture.

This course is specifically tailored for an individual requirement, and delivered on one-to-one basis i.e. 1:1 student:teacher ratio, using a unique and proven 7C methodology, which accelerates the learning process to 70% to 80% faster, reduces the the learning curve, decreases the the time-lines and improves the retention, with over 99% success rate!


To create a finished portrait, using the graphite and charcoal pencil, using a referring picture.


Children age 7+, adults and professionals.


Check students’s portfolio, teaching methodology and FAQs at Art Education web page.


  1. Medium: Graphite and charcoal pencil.
  2. Sketch, drawing and shading fundamentals: Drawing and shading tools, techniques and methods, source of light, concept of light & shadow, cast shadow, form shading (mid tone, high lights & dark tone) and direction of the gradation.
  3. Analysis of reference picture: Grid, posterization, black & white conversion, find edges and draw outline using digital tools.
  4. Replication of drawing: Sketch and drawing using grid methodology.
  5. Shading: Define source of light, form (mid tone, highlights, dark tone), cast shadow and, direction of gradation and texture.


Approximately 10 hours of classroom time, spread across 4 weeks, which further depends upon the time-spent by the participant on the home assignments. After completing the above scope, the participant may continue with more advance topics.


4 sessions per month, where each session is for 2+ hour, at a mutually agreed day and time. Depending upon the schedule, a participant may consume more sessions, in less number of days say 4 sessions in a week, or 4 sessions in a fortnight etc.

Home Assignments & Doubt Clearing Sessions

The home assignments and related reference pictures will shared after each classroom session. Home assignments and self-practice are critical for the success of the course and will tentatively consume triple the classroom time. During the week, participant will have regular interaction along with quick doubt clearing sessions. Prior to next class, the participant will submit the practice sheets, and the faculty will evaluate the submitted sheets, and suggest the area of improvement to the participant to act upon.


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